The lang cat Tracker is designed to be a single point of reference for all the consultations, discussion papers and ongoing policy work across the regulatory and legislative landscape. As well as covering the relevant regulators, such as the FCA and PRA, Pensions Regulator, the relevant government departments, the FOS and the FSCS, we add in anything else which we think might be interesting, such as the work of parliamentary committees, political party policy documents, or important speeches. There are always links to the source document and a summary of what it’s about, and we’ll add our own commentary to key documents. So if you suddenly need to write a report about what’s happening in regulation right now, or you need a quick summary and a link to dive deeper into a particular document, the Tracker is here for you. It’s like having the Regulatory and Public Affairs team in your pocket.

Why should I use Tracker?
- It’s Monday morning and I’ve just been asked when the closing date is for a consultation I’ve never heard of.
- I’m working on a new product proposal and I know there was a consultation on new rules that might be relevant, but I can’t remember if it came from the DWP, the Treasury, or the Pensions Regulator
- I’m making a presentation today and someone’s told me the FCA has issued a policy statement that I need to know about. I don’t have time to read it in detail, I just need to know the ‘so what?’
- I’m planning my team’s workload and I need to know all the DWP consultations that close before the end of the month
- I’ve forgotten the date of my partner’s birthday and I feel I may be in big trouble when I get home*
How do I get Tracker?
(*the lang cat is unable to help with this one, but cake is always nice)